Menesse on the Beach 2 Bedroom Condo

- USD 452 000 Coco Beach Playa del Carmen 2 1050 Square Feet 200 USD Month View Listing s 3A4CPNN This beautiful condo is located in the very exclusive area of Coco Beach. Just 2 blocks from the Beach and from 5th Avenue and next to the famous 38th street with its charming restaurants and the nicest place to stroll at night. A very rentable area and a quiet place to live as well. Sold fully furnished with a modern and stylish feel marble floors and nice finishes all around. It features 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms living and dining areas and a fully equipped kitchen. Its floor to ceiling windows allows lots of light and a fresh breeze to flow into the condo. Moreover it is a corner unit located on the 4th floor with 2 balconies to enjoy the view. Underground parking elevator and storage facilities add more value to it. Do not miss the incredible rooftop and lounge area with spectacular ocean and neighborhood views.



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