Web Developer

Par-Tee Golf Greater Vancouver s premium golf shop owned and managed by 10H PLUS GROUP is located in the central of Richmond. We are a one-stop professional golf store offering thousands of top-tier products for the golf enthusiast. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are committed to providing you with the premium level service you deserve. Job Description 1. Responsible for web design determine the visual standards and style standards of web design.2. Develop front-end code according to visual design renderings and be responsible for the implementation editing and beautification of Web interface interaction design.3. Researching incorporating and contributing to Open Source projects set up the host configuration and domain integrate with database and web back-end system.Maintain and update the current website and improve performance. Responsible for front-end user interface development ensure compatibility between different browsers improve user experience and design. 6. Be able to independently complete other art work assigned by the company and cooperate with the product team.7. Cooperate with developers to apply relevant technical effects in the website page to achieve website production.8. Proof read all content and make changes where necessary.9. Other related tasks as assigned. Job Requirements Local post-secondary education required. Available to work under pressure and multitasks. Fluent English skills in reading writing spelling and oral communication. Proficiency with computer software especially MS Office. Authorized to work in Canada.



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