job offer live chat assistant canada

Hy Are you looking for a job that you can do online from hoAre you looking for a job that you can do online from home Do you have a laptop tablet or phone with a reliable internet connection If so this live chat assistant job could be for you. We are hiring people from all countries right now for these positions. Full training is provided and we are looking for people who can start work right away. Click here to complete your application if you are interested. What you will be doing As a live chat assistant you will be paid to reply to live chat messages on a business s website or social media accounts. This includes answering customer questions providing sales links and offering discounts. Contract length No fixed term Rate 25 - 35 per hour Skills background needed Must have a device able to access social media and website chat functions (Phone Tablet Laptop). Be able to work independently. Ability to closely follow provided steps and instructions. Have 5 hours availability per week. Reliable internet connection. Hours per week 5 - 40 hours a week Location Remote work online (english-speaking preferred). Live Chat Assistants are in huge demand worldwide right now. If you can start right away please apply below. Click here to complete your application now. Looking out for you me Do you have a laptop tablet or phone with a reliable internet connection If so this live chat assistant job could be for you. We are hiring people from all countries right now for these positions. Full training is provided and we are looking for people who can start work right away. Click here to complete your application if you are interested. What you will be doing As a live chat assistant you will be paid to reply to live chat messages on a business s website or social media accounts. This includes answering customer questions providing sales links and offering discounts. Contract length No fixed term Rate 25 - 35 per hour Skills background needed Must have a device able to access social media and website chat functions (Phone Tablet Laptop). Be able to work independently. Ability to closely follow provided steps and instructions. Have 5 hours availability per week. Reliable internet connection. Hours per week 5 - 40 hours a week Location Remote work online (english-speaking preferred). Live Chat Assistants are in huge demand worldwide right now. If you can start right away please apply below. Click here to complete your application now. Looking out for you Click here s 3bkMVQ4



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