Nothing new under the sun

This is a KJV Bible study guide.Ecclesiastes 1 9 The thing that hath been it is that which shall be and that which is done is that which shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun. Solomon with the guidance of the Spirit of God is telling you that those things that have happened before will happen again. It is important that you understand this. There is no new idea or thing that can happen to man that has not already happened to man. Remember that under the sun is in reference to this flesh body of man the second earth age .This point helps us understand the Word of God and the types that the prophets of old give us in their writings. Paul told us in I Corinthians 10 11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world (age eon) are come. Ends of the world means the end of this earth age or dispensation of time where man lives in his flesh body. Paul told us that all those things that were written by the prophets of man s actions and what happened to them when they either violated God s law or kept God s law were examples to us for there is no new thing that will happen to flesh man that has not already happened to others in the past. We are to study God s Word and by our understanding of His Word we can have the peace of mind that comes with God s faithfulness to His Word.There is nothing new under the sun. History repeats itself even to the point of what happens at the end of this earth age it is a copy of what happened at the end of the first earth age. Many humans never learn from history by studying God s word and thus doom themselves to repeat the mistakes made by those that came before them.God has detailed out for us in His Word all events that will take place right up to His second coming (The real Jesus Christ) at the sounding of the seventh and final trumpet. He has given us signs and examples even of the one world system that is coming upon us now and will rule the minds of all mankind very shortly. All except God s elect those who know the truths of God s word will not be deceived. They will not worship the Antichrist who arrives at the sixth trump because they know he is a fake. They will be patient and worship the real Christ only that shows up at the seventh trump.Ecclesiastes 1 10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said See this is new it hath been already of old time which was before us.(People may say Here is something new. But it is really old nothing is ever truly new. Most things are just reinvented and repeats of the ideas of others that came before them).Ecclesiastes 1 11 There is no remembrance of former things neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.(We don t remember what happened in the past especially what happened during the first earth age. Future generations will not remember what we are doing now).Food for thought How long have certain groups of humans been treating different groups of humans bad I can tell you this much there is nothing new under the sun. No one can say that what they are seeing and or experiencing is something new it has happened before. Continue to study your Bibles and connect the dots get a more complete picture.



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