Glass Loader - 114737

LoaderPay 13-14 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 1st shift 6 00am-6 00pm 2nd shift 6 00pm-6 00amLocation Catoosa OklahomaJob Type Temp-HireBenefits Life insurance disability dental vision accident and critical illness 401(K) PTO Paid holidays.Description Efficiently load glass from racks carts onto Furnace or IG Line carts racks wooden crates. Transport glass from one location to another by carrying or using appropriate machinery. Use a tape measure to ensure product is within specifications. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds repetitively. Must be able to stand for majority of shift.Requirements Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds repetitively without assistance and stand on feet on majority of shift.Job ID 114737Stand-By PersonnelTulsa Office Locations 4305 S Mingo Road Suite F Tulsa Oklahoma 74146 or 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 74120 Application Time 7 00am to 3 30pm Monday-FridayClaremore Office Location 507 E Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore Oklahoma 74017 Application Time 7 00am to 3 30pm Monday-FridayWalk-in s always welcome 50 Advance after your first day of work Referral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work



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