
USD 375 000 Centro Playa del Carmen 2 1829 Square Feet 275 USD MonthView Listing s bit.ly 3wuW5CaOasis 12 is a luxury condominium located in the heart of Playa del Carmen and developed under a high grade of construction and design.Surrounded by shops restaurants supermarkets and just a few blocks from the famous 5th Avenue and the beach.As soon as you enter this condo you will feel the spaciousness and freshness thanks to its high ceilings. This 2 story unit is full of luxury materials and finishings. It features 2 ample bedrooms and 2 bathrooms a fully equipped kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances an open living area and beautiful views of the gardens and swimming pool. The master bedroom is more like a suite with a king size bed a big walk in closet and a large bathroom.After a day at the beach you can come and relax in the lounge chairs facing the spectacular 60 ft pool with its gorgeous marble fountain.This condo has a private and secured storage as well located in the underground parking Features 24 hours security Lobby with reception area Private gardens with waterfalls Fully equipped fitness center Full size elevator Dishwasher Range Underground parking



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