Find out Who You can Trust Good or bad&helliphow can you tell p

Find out Who You can Trust Good or bad how can you tell people apart Your survival depends on knowing who you can rely on. But how can you tell who your real friends are How can you determine if a person will help make a joint venture successful Is there a way to predict behavior Yes. There are fundamental elements to human behavior. When you know them you have insight into your fellow man and just by observing how people act you will know every thing about them. On the Knowing Who You can Trust Course you will learn The important role of trust in human relationships The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation the tool to know true character and predict what people will do How to evaluate others accurately and guarantee a more certain future for yourself and those you care about With the knowledge you learn on this course you will have tools to know who you can trust and who you can depend on. Please call (808) 955-7771 and ask for Edwina or Wilbur for more information. Address is 1170 Nuuanu Ave.Honolulu Hawaii 96817



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