Customer Service Representative Sales

2022 Progressive Sign On Bonus 3 000 Progressive Sign On Bonus. Sign On Bonus details 750 after 30 days 750 after 60 days 750 after 90 days and 750 after 120 days.Take the lead at the frontline of our company In this multifaceted role you ll assist with telephone and face-to-face customer interactions that utilize various tools and systems (telephone e-email e-care correspondence teletypewriter and online chat). You ll proactively evolve to meet customers needs and competitive demands. Success will depend upon your in-depth knowledge of AT& T s products and services and your ability to provide effective resolutions. Our call center environment is constantly evolving so we ll look to you to drive tools and technology to enable first call resolution. In the process you ll develop experience with a broad range of customer service call types like advanced technical support collections retention sales channel coordination and billing and adjustments. You ll also engage third party vendors and suppliers as needed to address service faults and provide customer resolution. You may be tasked with identifying tracking and rendering issues to assist in various root cause eliminations. In addition to these duties you ll be required to Handle wireless local number portability (WLNP) relocations combined bill support after hours inquiries and pre-paid service. Troubleshoot and resolve customer impacting issues such as but not limited to voice & data issues that span multiple networks and interdependent network elements considering network conditions connectivity devices applications provisioning and billing. (Note The skill and knowledge required will change with technology and application innovations.) Assist customers with products and services such as but not limited to laptop connect services including air cards USB devices initial set-up configuration of AT& T provided software & applications. Proactively engage T3 support (network and IT) to address & resolve issues. Remain proficient in all billing rate plan and feature matters. We prefer that you have At least one year customer service experience Call Center experience Advanced typing keyboarding skills What s in it for you Pay rate 17.01 starting per hour plus sales commission based upon sales attainment. We ll offer paid-training that as well as resources to encourage your career growth. We also offer a competitive compensation package. You ll also gain an amazing benefits package with medical dental coverage 401(k) plan tuition reimbursement and paid time off. Rounding out these benefits and perks we also provide 50% employee discount on AT& T internet & fiber AT& T phone (formerly U-verse Voice) Career possibilities are limitless with AT& T. You will have the chance to round out your experience with training on the latest technology devices and our entire lineup of products services and promotions. If you re 18 years or older let s talk. okcThis is not a remote position and does require that you reside in or near Oklahoma City to commute daily to the center.



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