Focus On Community

Making a difference in the Black Community. Part time Income From Home. We are a Black-Owned Organization that focuses on spreading awareness of several 501(c)8 Not-For-Profit programs benefits resources that was created to support and give a helping hand to underprivileged communities yet isn t being fully utilized simply because most don t know they exist. We are passionate about teaching people how to have more resources come into our communities to make a difference. Some of the Free Not-For-Profit 501(c)8 Programs -Community Grants funding to plan and organize hands on one day volunteer activities in your community multiple times per year - up to 2000 max. (Ex care packages back to school drives giveaways food drives clothing drives hygiene kits) -Online Learning Enrichment Programs Over 200 Courses (Microsoft courses Cyber security Biz management Project Management Technology Finance (understanding your 401k IRA Retirement planning). -Parental Legacy Program Gives 900 per month per child in child support & 24 000 for high education per child if orphaned. -Scholarship Program 300 Scholarships given away annually- 10 000 each ( 2500 for 4 years) -Fun Family Events Allows you to apply to go to fun attractions for free with your family and other local policy owners (Ex Kings Dominion Busch Gardens Six Flags Regional Baseball or basketball games The Zoo or Aquarium etc.) All of these programs cost the individual absolutely nothing. That is why knowledge is so important to our community. We believe everyone should know about this. Unfortunately the percentage in the actual community that is aware of this is less than 1%. We desire to change that... significantly. And make a difference in our community. We have been in operation over 13 years serving our community. The need is great so we are looking for help. This is a 1099 position (independent and completely flexible schedule based on when you want to work). This position is best for people looking for part time work. It s ideal for those that have limited availability but need to make the hours count. This allows people to make great money on the side because our model teaches the average part timer how to realistically make 24 000- 31 500 on the side. We only promote from within so for those that are truly passionate about this movement there are ways to grow significantly in title responsibility and income within the company. Entire divisions will be needing more leadership as we continue to grow and that pays well into six figures plus ownership rights. s bsmoore2 initialinterview if you are not available during any of the times on our calendar please respond directly to this post with your availability and we can set up a special appointment We look forward to speaking to you



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