Yorkie Puppies

Yorkie Pups - 2 000 (Sacramento Area)Purebred 3 male pups Shots and deworm up to date and a wellness check done We will provide proof mom is registered with AKC but we bought dad and did not register him. Therefore pups aren t with paperwork. Mom weighs 5lb and dad weighs 4lb. Both parents on sight and I can send you photos and videos.Puppies were born March 7th 2022. They are 12 weeks old and have their second set of shots. They are playful cute and loving. We have an 8 year old daughter and they are inseparable They eat a mix of wet and dry food and are Slightly potty-trained to go outdoors in the grassy area Asking 2000Text call for more info 916-903-8663 Zhanna



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