Best multispeciality hospital in ranchi | the curesta hospital

The Curesta Hospital is one of the best places to get medical treatment and consultation for nephrology, neurology, medicine, orthopaedics, general surgery, gynaecology and many more. Our hospital has earned recognition as one of the best multi-speciality hospitals in Ranchi. CURESTA HOSPITALS We offer reasonable pricing health care plans, insurance packages to clients. Curesta Hospitals is a spacious 30 bedded Multispeciality Hospital based on NH-33, Kokar, Near Surendranath Publich School, in the state capital of Jharkhand, Ranchi. Curesta Hospitals serves all specialities and tests. It is a unit of Curesta Global Ltd. The institution empanels clinical specialists and doctors for every speciality, such as Neurosurgery, Neurology, Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Trauma Centre, Medicine, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Urology, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Laboratory, Dialysis, and Physiotherapy. The hospital comprises of Multiple advanced ICUs and Operation Theatres. The Trauma Centre at Curesta Hospitals is highly competitive and operates 24x7x365 days. The Trauma team is one of the most spontaneous units across the city. 30 beds are incorporated across multiple Intensive Care Units and ICUs with ventilators, HDUs, NICUs, PICUs, General wards, Female wards, Male Wards, Single rooms, Deluxe rooms and Twin sharing rooms. The hospital is well equipped with advanced biomedical equipment and instruments which include a 32 Slice CT Scan machine, X-ray, Ultrasound, Portable Ultrasound and many more.



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