Bpsc 67th combined competitive examination dates are announced

According to the most recent BPSC (Bihar Public Service Commission) updates, the 67th (Preliminary) Combined Competitive Examination will be held on May 8, 2022. This exam attracts candidates from all around India, making it a very competitive exam. So, if you re going to take this exam, you ll need to tie your shoes and cinch your strength in order to get a good grade and keep your seat. Candidates who applied for the 67th BPSC Exam should make the most of their time for the preparation. Here are some ideas and tactics that you may use in the coming days to revise the entire syllabus, as we only have two weeks left. 1. Revision Of Previously Covered Topics 2. Revision by Section 3. Time-Bound Approach 4. Give Proper Rest To Yourself 5. Practise Online Test Series For Reference: You can refer to Testwale for practising, As they are providing free of cost Test Series, Previous Year Question Papers? PDF, Quizzes which will aid your preparation. All the best to those who will be taking the 67th (Preliminary) Combined Competitive Exam. I hope you find this blog useful in your revision. All the very best !! https://www.testwale.com/test-series/16/bpsc-2021/



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