Long Haul Truck Driver

Long Haul Drivers performs some or all of the following duties Operate and drive straight-body trucks weighing over 4500 kg to transport goods and materials over long distances Plan trip logistics and obtain required documentation to transport goods Perform pre-trip en route and post-trip inspection of vehicle systems equipment and accessories such as tires lights and turning signals brakes and cold storage Ensure cargo is secured properly in accordance with safety requirements and follow safety procedures for transporting dangerous goods Obtain special permits and other documents required to transport cargo on international routes Record cargo information hours of service distance travelled and fuel consumption Administer bills of lading and manually or electronically maintain logbooks Communicate with dispatcher other drivers and customers using communication devices and on-board computers May perform emergency roadside repairs May drive as part of a two-person team or convoy May transport hazardous products or dangerous goods. Number of Positions- 5RequirementsCompletion of secondary school is usually required A Class 1 or A licence is required to drive long combination vehicles. Benefits4% Vacation pay



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