Administrative Assistant

Administrative assistants perform some or all of the following duties Prepare key in edit and proofread correspondence invoices presentations brochures publications reports and related material from machine dictation and handwritten copy Open and distribute incoming regular and electronic mail and other material and co-ordinate the flow of information internally and with other departments and organizations Schedule and confirm appointments and meetings of employer Order office supplies and maintain inventory Answer telephone and electronic enquiries and relay telephone calls and messages Set up and maintain manual and computerized information filing systems Determine and establish office procedures Greet visitors ascertain nature of business and direct visitors to employer or appropriate person Record and prepare minutes of meetings Arrange travel schedules and make reservations May compile data statistics and other information to support research activities May supervise and train office staff in procedures and in use of current software. May organize conferences RequirementsCompletion of secondary school is usually required. Completion of a one- or two-year college or other program for administrative assistants or secretaries or previous clerical experience is required. Benefits4% Vacation pay



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