The benefits of centurylink home internet: no data caps, fast sp

CenturyLink offers a wide selection of internet plans to fit every need. CenturyLink Home Internet Plans is a customizable internet service that makes it easy for customers to choose their own speeds, subscribe to either Giga blast or Blast Pro plans, or order both. The Blast Pro plan is the fastest home internet available, providing speeds up to 1, 000 Mbps, while the Giga blast plan offers up to 100 Mbps. Both plans come with unlimited data, as well as free access to CenturyLink?s 7-day-a-week customer service. Blast Pro customers also have access to CenturyLink?s exclusive Speed Boost: for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, customers can choose from four Internet speeds: 15, 25, 35, and 45 Mbps. CenturyLink?s broadband internet is the fastest available anywhere. CenturyLink home Internet plans come with no data caps, so you can stream, surf, and game without worrying about going over your limit. Plus, our speeds are some of the fastest in the country, so you ll be able to do all of that at once without any slowdown. If you have any questions or want a free quote, call us today at (855) 938-7779. Get Started -



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