
T.B.P TEJ BROTHERS PROPERTIES LTD. located at 11034 83 AVE Delta BC V4C 2G2 is urgently looking to hire 2 Full-time Permanent carpenters.Work location Various locations throughout lower mainlandJob Duties Read and interpret blueprints drawings and sketches to determine specifications and identify requirementsMay prepare cost estimates for clientsPrepare layouts in conformance to building codes using measuring toolsFit and install windows door stairs mouldings and hardwareMaintain repair and renovate wooden structures in residential and commercial buildingsBuild foundations install floor beams lay sub flooring and erect wall and roof systemsMay supervise other construction workersEducation Completion of secondary school requiredWork experience Minimum 2-3 years of related work experience requiredLanguage- EnglishSalary- 29.00 hour (40 hours per week)We welcome youth aboriginals school leavers and new immigrantsTo apply Email your resume at tbptejbrotherspropertiesltd(at)



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