Popular Drought Tolerant Shrub Prunus laurocerasus

Prunus laurocerasus commonly known as the cherry laurel is a versatile and beautiful shrub that is well-known for its resilient nature. This hardy deciduous plant can withstand both drought and cold temperatures making it a favorite among gardeners who live in areas with harsh climates. Prunus laurocerasus features glossy green leaves and showy white flowers in the springtime that are often followed by black or red berries. Despite its appearance Prunus laurocerasus is actually quite low maintenance and easy to care for. For best results this shrub should be planted in full sun or partial shade while the soil should be kept consistently moist and well-drained. Overall Prunus laurocerasus is a wonderful choice for any gardener looking to add year-round color and interest to their outdoor space. For having your own Prunus laurocerasus contact- order(at)instanthedge.com



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