100 ethics case studies batch by tirthankar roychowdhary ? eden

Register Now :local.google.com/ place?id=10004516404670877232&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgIDWlpDFTw Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is raising the bar day to day, when it comes to the Civil Services Examination Ethics (GS Paper 4) has always been a tough nut to crack. It is because, there are very less aspirants who can really catch the pace of the subject or present the content in a unique way. Ethics is a subject which demands an understanding of various related subjects ? Philosophy, Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology etc? which actually is really tough to have at a time for any student. But there is always a middle path to handle this subject and present it well. Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir in his open discussion of Ethics Mains 2021 paper, has presented a very good way of approaching the ethics questions and case studies (Video available on EDEN IAS YouTube Channel), where every single question from GS Paper 4 has been discussed in a proper format and with clarity of every concept related to the UPSC Ethics Syllabus. There were many direct case studies asked For the preparation of Ethics Case studies, one can join the Ethics 100 Case Studies batch for IAS Mains 2022 by Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir. 1. 100 Case studies updated and based on current scenario. 2. All case studies explained properly after practice sessions. 3. Short 7 days span batch ? Very convenient before the Mains Exam. 4. Complete revision for the GS 4. The Ethics Case Studies batch by Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir will be open for admission after 5th June 2022.



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