100 hour yoga teacher training in goa, india

Goa Yogashala offers the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India. This wonderful Experience has been carefully created as a multi-style course for yoga enthusiasts from beginners to intermediate and beyond. Perhaps you are unable to find the time or financial resources to complete your 200 hour yoga teacher training ? this course is a perfect fit for you as it is modeled from the first two weeks of the 200-hour YTTC syllabus. Goa Yogashala offers the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India. This wonderful Experience has been carefully created as a multi-style course for yoga enthusiasts from beginners to intermediate and beyond. Perhaps you are unable to find the time or financial resources to complete your 200 hour yoga teacher training ? this course is a perfect fit for you as it is modeled from the first two weeks of the 200-hour YTTC syllabus. Dates of 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Goa, India 7th April 2022 7th May 2022 7th October 2022 7th November 2022 7th December 2022 7th January 2023 7th February 2023 7th March 2023 The price of the package includes all the necessary things for the duration of the course. Fees: According to Course Yoga Valley Cottages Non A/C Single Person ? 700 Yoga Valley Cottages Non A/C 2 Persons ? 600 Seaside View Cottages with A/C Single Person ? 900 Seaside View Cottages with A/C 2 Person ? 800 Without Accommodation ? 500 Address: Goa Yogashala, H. No 397/E Val Afframent Agonda, Canacona, Goa 403702, India Email: [email protected] Contact us: + 91 9019737212, + 91 9008625018 Website: https://www.goayogashala.com/100-hour-multi-style-yoga-teacher-training/



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