Artificial Jewelry Raw Material

We are Wholesale dealer of beads and jewellery making raw materials like jewellery findings jewellery materials supplies fashion beads glass beads agate beads metal beads oxidize metal beads antique beads pendant jewellery kundan jadau beads meenakari beads polki beads rajasthani handwork beads bead product painting beads turquoise beads semi precious beads gemstone beads etc. Also we have huge collection of handmade designer jewellery we are doing customize jewellery on order work also like welcome chain s swagat mala barat jewellery wedding jewellery groom jewellery bridle jewellery costume jewellery etc. we are suppling our jewellery in various industries like cine ( bollywood ) garment fashion interior etc. Address 183 Kika St Marine Lines East Jamli Mohalla Gulal Wadi Bhuleshwar Mumbai Maharashtra 400004Contact 9987810189Website



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