9-Unit Simulator System

6-DOF Original Cost 900 000. Will sell for 50 000 obo.This 9-Unit Simulator System features a Six-Degree-of-Freedom Motion Base using unique kinematic design that reduces excessive Pitch and Roll movements while enhancing the Lateral Vertical Yaw and Surge movements. This improved motion profile providers a Side-Boarding Step-On height of only 11.0 inches.SPECIFICATIONS -- 6-DOF Motion BaseMOTION BASE LOADS DATEDead Load. . .. . .. . .. . .1500 PoundsLive Load. . .. . .. . .. . ...2300 PoundsDynamic. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .4100 PoundsSix-Degree-of-Freedom (6-DOF) is the most advanced in Motion Simulation Technology allowing for three rotational (pitch roll and yaw) and three translational (Lateral. Surge and Heave) distinct axes of motion. Constructed of heavy wall steel square tube industrial grade bearing joints and field-tested hydraulic components the unit has the following features - (9) Four seat per pods each 25.0 inches wide extra soft cushions and a 10 degree tilt for a more individualized ride experience- Low profile spacious arm rest and contoured grab-handle.- Low Step-On height for easy access no ramps or egress systems required- Anchors directly to Standard-On-Grade 4-Inch slab- Attractive easy-grip handrails for added safety for passengers while boarding and exiting- Seat belt and sensor equipped for passengers safety and system monitoring- Safety step lighting illuminates Motion Base floor during passenger boarding and exiting- High Pressure 3 Micron Filtration and accumulator at each pod- Operating pressure 1 500 psi.THE THEATER SYSTEM IS COMPRISED OF THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS - 570 870 or HI-DEF Projection- Lamphouse for 70mm Projection- Flat or Dome Screen & Frame (not included)- Computer Console and Transporter Software- System Electronics Rack- Sound System Rack consisting of Six Channels- 9 - Motion Bases- Hydraulics System Power Plant- Accessories including Tools and Cleaning Kits- Complete Installation and Training of On-Site Personnel is Available- Self Contained in it s own Storage Semi



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