Formulas for Living

Formulas for LivingIf personal relationships go wrong what should you do If you are in debt how should you handle it If your job goes sour how can you straighten it out There are exact formulas for those situations and any others precise steps based on natural laws that work every time.Find out how to gain full control of any condition or circumstances. Learn the practical formulas that reverse bad conditions and strengthen good ones.On the Formulas for Living Course you will learn The laws that govern your survival and can guarantee a prosperous happy future. What statistics are and how you use them to gauge the health of any activity and predict what will happen in the future. The Conditions Formulas that guide life practical steps that can improve any condition. When you know and apply the data in this course you can sort out any bad state of affairs and strengthen all positive ones. Your life can rise to newfound heights. Please call (808) 955-7771 and ask for Edwina or Wilbur for more information. Address is 1170 Nuuanu AvenueHonolulu Hawaii 96817



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