Overcoming Ups and Downs in Life

Overcoming Ups & Downs in LifeWhen you suddenly start making mistakes it is caused by something. When you feel happy and for no apparent reason suddenly start feeling down somebody made this happen.There are specific types of personality those who wish people well and those who are ill intentioned.If you have experienced a roller coaster of emotion or ups and downs in your life someone around you could be suppressing you squashing you or trying to make you smaller.On the Overcoming Ups & Downs in Life Course you will learn How to distinguish the two types of people those who try to build things up and those who try to tear things down. What to do about people who wish you harm How to recognize you true friends from those who work against you With the know-how to handle the causes behind your misfortunes you can change your life for the better make those ups and downs a thing of the past and aspire to your highest goals.Please call (808) 955-7771 and ask for Edwina or Wilbur for more information.Address is 1170 Nuuanu AvenueHonolulu Hawaii 96817



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