2010 Ford F-150 FX4 SuperCab 6.5-ft. Bed 4WD

AllSurplus is an ONLINE AUCTION for Commercial Surplus QAL 16212-86 Auction ends 10 March 2022Click here to see full details additional photos and current bid. 2010 Ford F-150 FX4 SuperCab 6.5-ft. Bed 4WD EXTENDED CAB PICKUP 4-DR 5.4L V8 SOHC 24V FFV. Passenger Side Fog Light doesn t work. FORD Dealer Workshop told us on our last maintenance (January) we should replace the passenger seat belt. Year 2010 Make Brand Ford Model F150 VIN Serial 1FTFX1EV9AKB82156 Miles 187000 (Accurate ) Asset Location San Juan de Guadalupe Nuevo Leon 55630 MEX Price is the starting or current bid and subject to change at any time during the ongoing auction. All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS and may be inspected by appointment. AllSurplus.com is the online auction website where you can bid on and buy commercial assets.



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