Lot of 600 Chrome Books with Chargers

This item is being sold by Online Auction on AllSurplus.com. QAL 19490-22Auction Ends 07 February 2022Click to see full details additional photos and current bid.Lot of Approx. 600 used Chromebooks Mostly HP some Acer Lenovo Samsung with unknown quantity of chargers buyers are responsible for all shipping charges. Pallets will be shrink wrapped and ready for shipping. Lot was functional when removed from service. Chromebooks are used and may have wear and tear. Some have removable stickers. We did not see any broken screen but no guarantee or warranty PACKING & SHIPPING OFFERED at cost. Email for more information. Price is the starting or current bid and subject to change at any time during the ongoing auction. All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS and may be inspected by appointment.AllSurplus.com is the online auction website where you can bid on and buy commercial assets.



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