Transportation Worker - FT Temp

How to ApplyYou MUST submit an official State of NC application to be considered. You may download the official State of NC Job application inPDF s NCDOTJobApplication-pdf orMicrosoft Word s NCDOTJobApplication-Wordand email your completed State of NC application to ncdotcareers(at) Or fill out a State Job Application at s g Qb3ayFyT57 NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork.We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with 200 reviews. The ChallengeWe are hiring a temporary transportation worker to join our New Hanover County Traffic Services team. This role is a full time (40 hours week) position that will last 11 months and can be renewed In this role you will Be an Assistant Sign Erector on the NCDOT Division 3 Traffic Services team. Perform manual and equipment operations work installing and maintaining traffic signs. Install traffic control - setting detours & road closures - and operating hand and power tools. What You BringA team player who can work in a close team environment and independently. Dependable - you arrive at work on time. Flexibility to work on a varied work schedule. Ability to plan and organize daily work activities and maintain daily records reports on your activities. Experience doing manual labor including strength to lift 50 pounds. Experience using small hand tools including shovels rakes brooms posthole diggers hammers screwdrivers and torches. An excellent work ethic with good ability to listen be safe and follow verbal and written instructions. Ability to work in various weather conditions and high traffic areas. NotesYou must obtain or have a Class A Commercial Drivers License within 90 days of hire. A pre-employment drug test is required. We will do a background check with your last 2 years of employers about drug alcohol abuse. Steel-toed shoes are required within 30 days of hire. This is a temporary full time position with no benefits. You will be subject to emergency call backs work during non-traditional work hours including nights weekends holidays and during emergencies. Education & ExperienceHigh school GED diploma or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Connect to NCDOT Careers onLinkedIn s in ncdot-careers See all NCDOT jobs at s ncdotjobs



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