Framer Helper &ndash Construction (NOC 7611)

This job is posted by an employment agency or third party on behalf of the employer.New World Framing is seeking an energetic highly motivated professional to join their team. Employer name New World FramingJob Title Framer Helper Construction (NOC 7611)Job type Full time and PermanentBusiness address 7826 116 St Delta BC V4C 5T8 CanadaSalary 21.00 Hour for 40 hours a week (Overtime as per BC labor laws)Minimum Education NoneLanguage Basic EnglishPositions Available 1Job Location All over the lower mainland Requirements No formal education is required. Completion of high school is an asset On-the-job training will be provided. Some experience is an asset Must be physically fit Willing to work in a flexible schedule Responsibilities Load and unload construction materials and move the material to the work area Prepare construction sites materials and tools Assist framers other tradespersons and construction supervisors Tend or feed machines and equipment s used in framing and construction Remove rubble and other debris using rakes shovels wheelbarrows etc. Level earth to fine grade specifications Properly clean and organize tools and equipment at the end of the shift Follow our extensive company safety policy Carry out other duties as directed Selected applicants will be contacted for interviews.Interested candidates please email your resumes.Email newworldframing26(at)



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