Cebu general construction services by trimar

TRIMAR CONSTRUCTION & TRADING is residential/ commercial/ industrial building contractor based in Cebu City who has experience in civil works construction vertical or horizontal works. Trimar Construction is a PCAB registered contractor with License no. 53535. Some construction projects Trimar has experience in projects are: - Residential building construction (Design and Build) - Residential Apartments - Earth Works and site development - Commercial building construction (Design & Build) - Covered court - Poultry farm construction - Perimeter fence - Office / house / BANK renovations - Interior fit-out - Rip rap works - Structural reinforcement - Other construction related civil works Trimar Construction and Trading has a team of highly trained personnel supervised by a project manager/ engineer with more than 20 years of construction experience. Trimar is committed to deliver prompt and efficient service for the ultimate goal, Customer satisfaction!



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