Bishop Neumann Wind Ensemble LP

Attention Bishop St. John Neumann Alumni I have available a very rare recording of the Bishop Neumann High School Wind Ensemble.This album dates anywhere from the 1960s to the early 1970s.The very Rev. Anthony W. Polini was the Principal.Bartholomew Agar was the Director.The Album is signed by Bartholomew Agar on the back.The top and bottom bindings exhibit some separation but I never taped over the album cover so the album is completely original with inner sleeve.The album itself is in very good playing condition only with few visible surface scratches.This album represents a unique piece of South Philly memorabilia and is highly collectible.This is a local sale in the Philadelphia area so that prospective buyers can see exactly what they are getting. This also reduces any fees of electronic sale shipping and insurance.Only serious inquiries will receive responses.Any suspicious communications are always reported.Please understand something about the statement above... If you contact me and establish an on-going communication where private information is exchanged and then I never here from you again I Have to report the exchange as a possible Phishing Scam. If you are not interested please just have the Courtesy to let me know so that there is no confusion regarding your intentions.CASH ONLY



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