Marketing Coordinator

Subject Line Looking for talented marketing coordinator join our team Employer Name StepUp AUTO LTDTitle Marketing CoordinatorNo. of Vacancy 2Term of employment Full-time only Permanent ContractLanguage of work EnglishWage 26- 29 hourlyWorking hours 35-40 hours weeklyWorking location Delta BCHow to apply Please send your resume and cover letter to carrer(at)stepupauto.comCompany ProfileStepUp Auto specializes in the manufacturing and production of parts and accessories for trucks and SUVs. We aim to provide fellow auto enthusiasts with access to the highest quality state-of-the-art products to truly customize their driving experience.With strategic distribution centers located in Canada and the US StepUp Auto is able to provide its customers with a quick delivery and an exceptional customer service experience. Our dedicated professional team strives to meet and exceed our customers expectations through a seamless buying and receiving experience.We are looking for TWO Marketing Coordinators to join our group to pop up the business. Job Descriptions Oversee and coordinate brand development and stay up to date on market trends Develop marketing campaigns that maximize return on investment through researched channels Plan and manage meetings events conferences and trade shows by identifying assembling and coordinating requirements establishing contacts developing schedules and assignments and coordinating mailing lists Determine marketing strategies for targeted markets based on the result of research and surveys to promote our school to the public and extra attention to cross cultural marketing methods Develop promotion materials based on the market trends Analyze and evaluate the electiveness of marketing activities based on feedback and recruitment results Manage our company s Social Media platforms creating new content in a consistent and timely manne Job requirements University bachelor s degree in marketing marketing management or business-relevant program is required. At least 2 years of related experience in marketing role is required. Online marketing experience is preferred. Work experience in Asian and North American Market will be a great asset Excellent communication skills are required Strong computer skills with experience of using Microsoft Office and Adobe software s is recommended. Able to work under pressure and with good attention to details.



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