Robert Plant - Heaven Knows CD Mini Single and Paula Abdul - Kno

Robert Plant - Heaven Knows CD Mini Single1 Heaven Knows (Remix) 6 24 2 Walking Towards Paradise 4 40 3 Big Log 5 043-inch CD single comes with adaptor. CD has a few small light and tiny surface scratches which do NOT affect play. There is some yellowing that comes with age to the liner notes. Overall this item is in very good condition. Label Code (on Cover) LC 8500 Rights Society GEMA BIEMBarcode 0 75679 67162 2 Label Code (on CD) LC 0121Paula Abdul - Knocked Out CD Single1 Knocked Out (7 Version) 3 482 Knocked Out (Round 1 - Extended Mix) 7 03 3 Knocked Out (Round 2 - TKO Dub) 6 31 4 Knocked Out (Round 3 - Instrumental) 2 30 CD has many small light and tiny surface scratches which do NOT affect play. There is some noticeable wear edgewear and shelfwear to the liner notes. Overall this item is in good condition. Barcode 5 012983 009227Matrix Runout SRNCD 92



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