Heart - Nothin&rsquo at All CD Single

Heart - Nothin at All CD Single Nothin at All (Remix) 4 07 I ve Got the Music in Me 6 17 I Want You So Bad 4 19 Nothin at All (Extended Remix) 5 08 There is some mild wear to the liner notes. CD has countless surface scratches which do NOT affect play. Overall this item is in acceptable condition. Notes (P) 1978 Track 2 (P) 1985 Track 1 & 4 (P) 1987 Track 3(C) 1988 EMI Records Ltd. Issued in a thin jewel case with a j-card insert Made in UK on disc label Barcode and Other Identifiers Barcode (Text) 5 099920 291525 Barcode (EAN) 5099920291525 Label Code LC 0148 Rights Society BIEM MCPS Matrix Runout 202925 2 AR 2 1 2.EMI SWINDON



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