Sarah McLachlan - Possession and Into the Fire CD Single Promos

Sarah McLachlan - Possession CD Single Promo Possession (Album Version) 4 39 Possession (John Fryer Remix) 4 59 CD has few light and tiny surface scratches which do NOT affect play. This is a fantastic looking copy. There are a few smudges in the liner notes and a small crack in the upper righthand corner of the front of the CD case. Overall this item is in very good condition. Sarah McLachlan - Into the Fire CD Single PromoInto the Fire (John Fryer Mix) 3 32 Into the Fire (Album Version) 3 29CD has few light and tiny surface scratches which do NOT affect play. There are a couple of creases in the liner notes and a small stain in the lower lefthand corner inside of them that appears to be from a drink. There are several noticeable wrinkles on the back lefthand side of the insert. Overall this item is in very good condition.



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