Types of tests on cement | cement quality test | consistency tes

Quality Tests on cement are carried out to check the strength and quality of the cement used in construction. It helps to identify the usage of cement for different purposes based on its durability and performance. The following tests are conducted on cement in the laboratory are as follows: Fineness Test Consistency Test Setting Time Test Strength Test Soundness Test Heat of Hydration Test Tensile Strength Test Chemical Composition Test Fineness test on cement The fineness of cement is responsible for the rate of hydration, rate of evolution of heat and the rate of gain of strength. Finer the grains more is the surface area and faster the development of strength. The fineness of cement can be determined by Sieve Test or Air Permeability test. Sieve Test: Air-set lumps are broken, and the cement is sieved continuously in a circular and vertical motion for a period of 15 minutes. The residue left on the sieve is weighed, and it should not exceed 10% for ordinary cement. This test is rarely used for fineness. Cement tests, soundness of cement, normal consistency of cement, water absorption test for concrete, strength test of cement, laboratory test of cement, cement quality test For more inforamtion visit now: https://www.buildersmart.in/blogs/tests-on-cement



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