Vintage 45 RPM Record Collection

For your consideration is this unique collection of 20 vintage 45s withan emphasis on 60s 70s Rock and Roll artists but also more obscureLocal artists as well.Some feature original labels that have been long out of print.Other titles feature the original picture sleeves.Two of the Artists are considered Legends from the Philadelphia area.The collection varies in quality from one specimen to the next and someare in need of a cleaning but others are in very good shape having rarelybeen played.Featured Artists include The Beatles Paul McCartney George Harrison The Animals Cream Deep Purple Donovan Bob Dylan Steve Miller Band Queen Jerry Samuels and Mikey Wild and the Mess.An itemized list is available upon request if the labelscannot be read in the pictures above.A few vintage center hole adapters are included.This is an excellent opportunity to acquire some rare labels and releasesto your existing record collection or to even start a collection.This is a Local Sale pickup only which eliminates fees for electronic sale shipping and insurance. The prospective Buyer can examine each piecein person before committing to buy.Only serious inquiries will receive responses.Any suspicious communications are always reported.Please understand something about the statement above...If you contact me and establish an on-going communicationwhere private information is exchanged and then I never herefrom you again I Have to report the exchange as a possible PhishingScam. If you are not interested please just have the Courtesy tolet me know so that there is no confusion regarding your intentions.CASH ONLY - NO PAYPAL NO WIRE TRANSFERS CASHIER S CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERSNO ONLINE ESCROW



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