CD Collection (Various Genres and Artists)

Hello I have available a great Collection of Crooner Jazz Christmas Holiday Country Contemporary and Rock Pop CDs for sale.There are 27 discs across 25 titles with a lot of Frank Sinatra. Here are the listings that are available Rat Pack Collection - Best of Frank Sammy and Dean (3CDs) Frank Sinatra - The Concert Sinatra Frank Sinatra - Nothing But The Best Frank Sinatra - with the Red Norvo Quintet Live in Australia 1959 Tony Bennett s All-Time Greatest Hits Armstrong Ellington - Together For the First Time The Great Reunion Sonny Rollins - Way Out West Joe Williams - In Good Company Dinah Washington - Jazz Masters 19 Harry Connick Jr. - Blue Light Red Light A GRP Artists Celebration of the Songs of the Beatles Working Class Hero - A Tribute to John Lennon Jazz At Midnight The Ave Maria Album - Price Lanza Caruso Domingo Highlights From The Phantom of the Opera Vince Guaraldi - A Charlie Brown Christmas HMV Swell Holiday Music David Syme - A Christmas Treasury (Piano) Happy Anniversary Charlie Brown Loretta Lynn - Country Music Hall of Fame Series Patsy Cline - 12 Greatest Hits The Beatles - 1 The Carpenters - The Singles 1969 - 1973 Stevie Wonder - Music Of My Mind Elton John - The OneThese discs are in great shape and will provide hours of enjoyment at a wide variety of occasions and get-togethers.This is a local sale in the Philadelphia area so that prospective buyers can see exactly what they are getting. This also reduces any fees of electronic sale shipping and insurance.Only serious inquiries will receive responses.Any suspicious communications are always reported.Please understand something about the statement above... If you contact me and establish an on-going communication where private information is exchanged and then I never here from you again I Have to report the exchange as a possible Phishing Scam. If you are not interested please just have the Courtesy to let me know so that there is no confusion regarding your intentions.CASH ONLY



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