Girls Just Want to Have Fun Music from the Motion Picture Soundt

Girls Just Want to Have Fun Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack CD Various 1. (Come on) Shout Alex Brown 2. On the Loose Chris Farren 3. I Can Fly Rainey 4. Dancing in Heaven Q-Feel 5. Girls Just Want to Have Fun Galli Holbrook Marshall6. Dancing in the Streets Animotion 7. Too Cruel Amy Hart 8. Technique Rainey 9. Wake Up the Neighborhood Holland BONUS TRACKS 10. The Banana Boat Song Harry Belafonte 11. You re Sixteen (You re Beautiful You re Mine) Ringo Starr 12. (Come on) Shout (Dance Mix) Alex Brown 13. (Come on) Shout ( 80 s Radio Extended Mix) Alex Brown 14. Dancing in Heaven (Extended Remix) Q-Feel 15. Girls Just Want to Have Fun Cyndi Lauper 16. Girls Just Want to Have Fun (12 Version) Cyndi Lauper Just played once when I ripped it to my music collection. Like new. It s an import collectible vintage reissue released in Europe.



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