Sushi Gurume is seeking FT Cooks.

Sushi Gurume is seeking F T Cooks. Position Info Position Cook Terms of employment Full-time Permanent Wage 16.25 20.00 hour (depending on experience) Working Hours 30 40 hours week Number of Positions 2 Work Location 1350 56 Street Delta BC V4L 2A4 Benefits 4% vacation pay 5 days of paid sick leave per year Job Duties Prepare and cook complete meals and individual food items according to the restaurant s recipes portioning cooking and quality standards. Maintain inventory and control wastage. Monitor and order ingredients supplies and equipment as needed. May assist in planning menus food portions and costs based on food requirements. Participate in hiring and training new kitchen staff in preparation cooking and handling of food. Ensure kitchen food storage and preparation area are clean sanitary and orderly. Comply with all health and safety policies and procedures. Oversee kitchen operations. Job requirements Experience 2 3 years of commercial cooking experience are required. Education Completion of Secondary School is required. Language English How to Apply Company information 0875995 B.C. Ltd dba Sushi Gurume Email address jinhwan(at) Please apply via Email indicated above



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