Transportation Worker - 6 Openings at a LIVING WAGE

How to ApplyYou MUST apply online at s 3eA8D0P to be considered. This posting is for 6 openings and your application will be considered for all of them NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Looking for a great place to work withA living wage Job security Full benefits (including the State Health Plan and a pension ) A true team atmosphere and Work you can take pride in This is an entry-level opening for you to begin a career with the NC Department of Transportation as a Transportation Worker I. You ll get to work on exciting projects learn construction skills and build your career. Join us The ChallengeWe are looking for entry-level transportation workers to join our Highway Maintenance team in Pitt county. In this role you will be trained to Build inspect and maintain roads and roadside features for the North Carolina highway system. Operate hand tools power tools and heavy equipment including broom tractors paint line removing machines thermoplastic machines trenchers and edge-line paint guns. Shovel rake asphalt and flag traffic. Ensure work zone safety. Participate in snow & ice removal. Assist with maintenance repair projects using tools and equipment including tractors with attachments curb machines cutoff saws small wheel and sheep foot rollers vibrator roller compactors pulverizer mixers and pneumatic tire rollers. Mow grass using a tractor with attachments and help with grass and wildflower plantings and maintenance. Drive dump and flatbed trucks. Assist paint crews. Install road signs. Assist Electronics Technicians installing and maintaining signals. Perform vegetation control debris removal and snow removal. What You BringAn interest in a career in Transportation Construction and commitment to a safe work environment. Experience performing manual labor and operating power tools such as a chainsaws weed eaters skill saws drills compactors jackhammers etc. Ability to understand and follow verbal and written instructions. A Commercial Driver s License. (Note You can get this after you are hired through on-the-job training but it must be within 60 days for your CDL Permit and 90 days for your License.) Notes A pre-employment drug test is required. We will check with previous employers for the past 2 years about controlled substances and alcohol testing. Safety toe footwear is required. Education & ExperienceHigh school GED diploma or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Questions Call me Chloe Fanelli at (919) 707-4439. Connect to NCDOT Careers onLinkedIn s in ncdot-careers See all NCDOT jobs at s ncdotjobs



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