Haworth Zody chair

Haworth Zody chair Welcome to Denver DesksWe are a family owned and woman owned companyWe specialize in New and Pre-Owned Commercial grade office furnitureour services include- Wellness Acrylic screens- Rentals- Sales of New and Used office furniture- The Purchase of used office furniture- Custom Laminate Surfaces Desks- Delivery and Installs- Removals and Office clean outs- Space PlanningProduct can be delivered and installed with-in 48 Hours if product is local or in stockThe methods of payment we accept are...Check Cash Master Card and Visa with A 5% up chargePlease don t hesitate to call us with any questionsDenver Desks showroom hours and address3301 West Alameda AveDenver CO 802199 00 AM - 5 00 PMOffice (303) 573-6222Cell (303) 968-5679



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