Electric actuated butterfly valve manufacturer in India

Specialityvalve is the leading best Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve Manufacturer in India. An Electric Actuated Butterfly valve is used to control the flow of the medium in the system by an electric actuator. By using electric actuator the work becomes simple as everything is automatic and man power can be reduced. The chances of accidents are also less because the valve is controlled by an actuator. Butterfly valves are used to start stop and regulate the flow of the medium in a valve. These valves are easy and fast to open and close. The disc can be completely opened and closed for the medium to flow in butterfly valve. They are mostly used in applications that deal with water. The operation of the butterfly valve is simple when compared to other valves. Types of Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve Electric Actuated Zero Offset Butterfly Valve. Electric Actuated Double Offset Butterfly Valve. Electric Actuated Triple-Offset Butterfly Valve. Electric Actuated Metal seated Butterfly valve. Description Materials Ductile iron Cast iron Monel WCB WCC WC6 LCB LCC SS306 SS904 SS316 F55 F51 F53. Size 2 to 72 . Class 150 to 300. Nominal Pressure PN6 to PN25 Ends Flanged Wafer Lug. Operation Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve Visit here s www.specialityvalve.com product-category electric-actuated-butterfly-valve



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