Chorus Girl 2 Dance of 80s Various CD Robert Plant Heaven Knows

Chorus Girl 2 Dance of the 80s CD Wham - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go B-52 s - Love Shack Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep Billy Joel - Uptown Girl Katrina & the Waves - Walking on Sunshine Robert Palmer - Simply Irresistible Culture Club - Karma Chameleon Depeche Mode - Just Can t Get Enough Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me CrazyPhil Collins - You Can t Hurry Love Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue (Remix) Robin Gibb - Boys Do Fall in Love David F.R. - Sahara Night Deniece Williams - Let s Hear it for the Boy Kenny Loggins - Footloose Daryl Hall & John Oates - Kiss on My List Soft Cell - Tainted Love CD has countless small tiny & light surface scratches which don t affect play. Liner notes have 2 small tears & some edgewear. Countless creases on liner notes & insert. Overall item in good condition. Robert Plant Heaven Knows CD Mini Single Heaven Knows (Remix) 6 24 Walking Towards Paradise 4 40 Big Log 5 04 CD has few small light & tiny surface scratches which don t affect play. Some discoloration to liner notes from age Overall item in very good condition.



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