General Labor

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Portsmouth Virginia 23704 is currently hiring a General Labor Job Description PeopleReady ofSuffolk has an immediate opening forGeneral Labors inPortsmouth VA The job duties of aGeneral Laborvary sometimes even day-to-day at the same site. They may include cleaning and preparing a jobsite loading and delivering materials using different tools and machines such as blowtorches driving forklifts reading levels operating lifts and manning power drills grinders saws pressure washers and water spraying equipment. Laborers set up and take down ladders scaffolding and other temporary structures. They help carpenters masons and other specialized contractors. Labors and helpers work in all fields of construction commercial jobs and other businesses and the demand for these workers should mirror the level of overall activity. We would love to add more General Labor like you. This is a temp to perm position Monday - Friday and starting salary with us is 14.00 an hour. Shift Timings - All Available Applications will be taken Mon-Fri between 10 00am and 2 00 pm please call office at 757-539-0045 to schedule an appointment. Responsibilities Include Assist with responsibilities such as finishing repairs and patches concrete pipes and other related products in the yard. Lifts and carries materials and equipment throughout work areas using appropriate equipment. Primes Pipe Maintains neat and orderly work areas. Ensuring tools and work areas are clean during the day and at the end of each shift. Finish products in a quality manner free of cracks and imperfections. Reports any problems concerns or discrepancies to management. Other general duties as required to assist with the production of pipes and box cul Responsible for performing all functions necessary to produce precast concrete products efficiently and safely under supervision. Work in a team environment with a positive attitude to accomplish the required tasks and the ability to adapt to change. Qualifications It requires the ability to communicate effectively using speech vision and hearing. Requires the use of hands for simple grasping and fine manipulations. Requires bending squatting crawling climbing reaching the ability to lift carry push or pull medium weights up to 50 pounds. Requires activities involving being around mobile equipment exposure to changes in temperature exposure to dust and fumes. Use of earplugs and other PPE - such as a hard hat steel-toed boots gloves and safety glasses as required. High School Diploma or G.E.D. Minimum 2 years of work-related experience and or training in skilled trades but will train if you are willing to learn. Familiarity using tools and equipment associated with precast concrete production. For More information please contact the Branch at - Call -7575390045 Email -1261-br(at)



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