Tree Groundsman

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Hardwick Vermont 5836 is currently hiring a Tree Groundsman Job Description Are you someone who could describe yourself as a green thumb Do you have a penchant for planting We are looking for an immediate hire of a passionateTree Groundsman. if you are ready to see if the grass is greener on our side. As a Tree Groundsman you might care for the grounds surrounding a business or building using hand tools and powered equipment.Tree Groundsman can include anything from simply pulling weeds to drawing up complex plans and using a wide array of horticultural knowledge. In this role you might primarily work to improve upon an existing garden layout or work in one of the more specialized areas of Tree Groundsman. Some of the specialties a passionateTree Groundsman might be interested in would be crafting water gardens and fountains (aquascape) installing lawn sprinkler systems and drains (irrigation systems) or designing practical solutions for orchards and farms. Does this sound like your dream job. We would love to find out more about you so please apply at the link above. Shift Timing - 1st Shift (Day) Responsibilities Include Operating equipment to complete job based on printed directions including mowing pruning and cutting During the winter shoveling snow from walks driveways or parking lots and spreading salt in those areas Tending established lawns by mulching aerating weeding grubbing removing thatch or trimming or edging around flower beds walks or walls Capturing and removing litter Maintaining or repairing tools equipment or structures Mixing and spraying or spreading fertilizers herbicides or insecticides Providing proper upkeep of sidewalks driveways parking lots fountains planters burial sites or other grounds features Qualifications Previous experience as a landscaper preferred Have basic operating knowledge of landscaping tools Verifiable references to confirm your professional skills and experience Strong work ethic Able to focus on details at all times Able to lift 50 pounds in order to load and unload materials as well as carry needed tools to and from the jobsite Able to work outdoors in all temperatures which may include heat (temperatures above 100 degrees) or cold (temperatures below 32 degrees). ZIPX



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