Heavy Equipment Operator

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Tiltonsville Ohio 43963 is currently hiring a Heavy Equipment Operator Job Description Do you like the feeling of having tremendous power at the tips of your fingers Would you like to be part of an essential industry in the United States PeopleReady is now hiring Heavy Equipment Operators who can bring a positive attitude and professional flair to the jobsite. Operators operate heavy equipment such as backhoes loaders graders dozers and excavators used in the construction and maintenance of roads bridges airports gas and oil pipelines tunnels buildings and other structures as well as surface mining and quarrying activities. Some Operators choose to specialize in a certain type of equipment. Regardless of the type we would love to talk more to you about this full-time opportunity. Note - The pay rate for this job is 21 Hour. Shift Timings - All Available Responsibilities Include Working outdoors in appropriate safety and protective equipment Operating a variety of heavy equipment safely via hand signals radio communication and using occupant safety devices Performing pre-operational checks of equipment as well as basic maintenance on track or rubber tire undercarriage buckets and attachments lubricating equipment components and attachments Completing and maintaining equipment log sheets and reports Performing site planning and setup by assessing jobsite conditions and identifying or selecting appropriate attachments for the work to be done Acquiring and using a knowledge of earthmoving fundamentals (soil characteristics ground conditions map reading) as well as relevant health and safety acts municipal codes and bylaws natural gas regulations and the Highway Traffic Act Working cooperatively with supervisors and co-workers Continuously learning about new techniques equipment in order to operate safely while maintaining productivity Qualifications Possess a valid certification and minimum five years experience with heavy construction equipment and trucks and or three years performing maintenance on heavy equipment Working knowledge of hydraulics diesel engines electronics electronics and Department of Transportation regulations Valid driver s license Tools of the trade and ability to bring them to the jobsite References to verify the professional skills and experience you bring to the team Able to occasionally lift and move more than 50 pounds and remain in a stationary position for extended periods of time Some Heavy Equipment Operator assignments require additional screening such as background checks or drug screens ZIPX



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