Dental Assistant Virginia

We are hiring for a qualified civilian Dental Assistant to join our team of talented professionals who provide health care services to our veterans and their families at the Portsmouth Naval Medical Center and associated Branch Health Clinics in Norfolk Virginia. Benefits Status Full-Time Schedule Monday Friday between the hours of 6 00am 6 00pm Competitive financial package with a comprehensive insurance package including health dental vision and life coverage Accrued Paid Time Off (PTO) & Paid Holidays 401(k) Plan The Dental Assistant must have the following qualifications Education Successful completion of one of the following Certificate or Associate Degree as a dental assistant technician from a program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) of the American Dental Association (ADA) and 12 months experience within the preceding 36 months Certification from a military dental technician or dental assistant school and 12 months experience within the preceding 36 months Certification from a Red Cross Dental Assistant course and 12 months experience within the preceding 36 months 36 months experience within the preceding 60 months as a dental assistant in a private practice or a military clinic Membership in good standing with the American Association of Dental Assistants with required continuing education and 12 months experience within the preceding 36 months Graduation from a state accredited program for dental assistants or dental technology within the preceding 12 months All training must have included a course in radiation physics radiation biology radiation health safety and protection X-ray films and radiographic film quality radiographic techniques darkroom and processing techniques film mounting and digital radiographic processing techniques Certification Certified in radiography as required by 42 CFR Part 75 Due to contractual obligations with the DoD Health Care Workers performing under this contract must either be a U.S. citizen or as defined by the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services either a noncitizen national of the United State lawful permanent resident of the United States or alien authorized to work in the United States. You will love being part of the Matrix family of Providers whose focus since day one has been selflessly giving back to our hard-working and devoted military servicemen and women. Matrix Providers has always been a proud veteran-owned company and military family supporter and is a staunch ally of our active-duty and veteran service providers.



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