Warehouse Worker

WE ARE PEOPLEREADYStaffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business People Ready is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The People Ready Branch 720 Century Ave. SW Hutchinson MN USA is currently hiring a Warehouse WorkerJob DescriptionAs a Warehouse Worker you will do any number of tasks picking packing and preparing orders to shipping and handling or even stocking.Responsibilities Include Loading and unloading trucks Packing and unpacking items Packing and sealing orders based on work orders or instructions from supervisor Storing items in warehouse based on existing layout and instructions from supervisor Examining and inspecting orders before packing to make sure specifications are met Qualifications Previous warehouse experience preferred but not required Steel-toed boots required Discernment for safety and a positive attitude Flexibility to work in a dynamic and fast-paced environment Good judgment and attention to detail EVER650B To begin your journey go to s jobs.peopleready.com jobs PR-1201700 Warehouse-Worker Connect and network online with us s www.facebook.com PeopleReadys www.linkedin.com company peoplereadys twitter.com _PeopleReadys www.youtube.com channel UCMdTbGeEvNwF7phVPT74TAg We will get to know you and connect you with jobs that match your skills experience and preferences. We work hard every single day to find jobs so each employee has opportunity and variety in their work.People Ready is an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. We do not discriminate based on race religious affiliation color national origin gender age marital status sexual orientation veteran status or disability.



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