2018 Winnebago Mircro Minnie 2106DS

Mint condition camper. Still smells like new Has only been used once. It was only 6 months old when we bought it. Has short slide out extension. Camper can be used with extension in or out. All appliances are in like new condition. As is everything else. Here are some of the amenities Refrigerator and freezer. Radio CD DVD player (Bluetooth compatible). External speakers. TV (flat screen). Stove and oven (with cover). Microwave. Double sink. Full bathroom with shower and cabinets. New mattress (new comforter and pillows included). New blinds Lots of cabinets (including on each side of bed). Pull out dining table. External gas hook up for grill. Solar panel hook up for trickle charging. External TV mounts and hook up. External shower. Awning with LED light strips. 2-20 lb. propane tanks (housing capable of holding twin 30 lb. tanks). Electric trailer jack. Reasonable offers will be considered.



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