
May Hair Position BookkeeperMay hair is looking for a Full-Time and Permanent Bookkeeper.Work Location 809 Bedford Hwy Bedford NS B4A1A4Responsibilities Keeps records of financial transactions for the establishment using calculator and computer. Daily cash entries and balance sheet reconciliations Verifies allocates and posts details of business transactions to subsidiary accounts in journals or computer files from documents such as sales slips invoices receipts check stubs and computer printouts. Summarizes details in separate ledgers or computer files and transfers data to the general ledger using a calculator or computer. May compile reports to show statistics such as cash receipts and expenditures accounts payable and receivable profit and loss and other items pertinent to the operation of a business. May calculate employee wages from timecards and prepare checks for payment of wages. May compute type and mail monthly statements. Qualification and Education RequirementExperience if no compleion ofcollege orrecognized program in accounting or bookkeeping several years of experience as a financial or bookkeeping clerck. Language English is required Education Completion of a college program in accounting bookkeeping or a related field. Working ConditionsWage 17.5.00 per hour Hours 35 hours per week Benefit 10 dayspaid vacation yearly If you are interested in this position please send your resume to mayhairhr(at)



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