Free head

Married discreet white 27 Male 7 cut and curved c-ck tattoos vasectomy. So Ever since having kids with my wife she doesn t have a high sex drive like I do. I have to beg for sex. When I do get to f--k her she always ends up enjoys it so idk why it s a hassle.. anyways.. I love to eat pu-sy and there are multiple occasions where I ve offered to eat her out where she doesn t have to do anything besides lay there and no reciprocation needed and she still says no... like who tf doesn t take Free Head where you don t have to do anything in return I make her c-m every single time oral and preparation and have never had any complaints from the past but I ve been thinking lately that I would like to be rated on my performance. Any ladies out there looking for some Free Head Just let me pull up c-m on my face and I ll bounce. If it ends up more that s cool but not required. No strings attached and must be STD FREE.I m located in Excelsior Springs MO and willing to travel. HMU



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